Thursday, 24 June 2010

iGoogle page

Something I found really infuriating in the early stages was the use of the same window for all processes to do with the 23 Things. In the middle of setting something up, I'd need to refer back to the 'instructions' page, only to find it had opened itself in the same window. However, a few bookmarks and extra Explorer sessions have solved the problem.
Was also amused to find that we old fogeys are all automatically expected to have mobile phones, digital cameras, uploaded holiday snaps for all to see...

Oh drat, while I was writing the text, my image has disappeared. Oh well, I'll try and put it back.

Nelson's (b)log on Thing 3

Was wondering whether endlessly checking availability of a unique URL was actually counterproductive. After NUMEROUS rejections of names I was certain no-one else could possibly have thought of, a kindly soul at the drop-in session got a name accepted for me at the first attempt! But he didn't bother with 'Check availability...'