Friday, 2 July 2010

Nelson's Blog on Thing 6

Ooh, my Google Calendar reminded me this morning that I was on Late Duty tonight! (It didn't know that I had actually remembered to sign but I suppose it sent the reminder a split second after midnight). Shall have either to edit the setting or delete the fact I'm away the week after next; I don't want it filling up filespace with messages telling me I'm on holiday.
Potentially extemely useful for coordinating arrangements both professional and social and saving paper, ink etc. at the same time.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Nelson's blog on Thing 5

The Doodle poll seems very simple to operate, but as a concept obviously isn't simple at at all. The possible links must cover absolutely everything anyone could possibly ever dream of doing with it.
I found the returning to email for replies a bit cumbersome and would have preferred the ability for a registered user to sign in to Doodle to do all functions within the facility itself.